What to make a chimney for a fireplace from. Fireplace chimney – brickwork or ceramics? The location of the head relative to the wind support area.

The chimney for a fireplace consists of a vertically located pipe, thanks to which combustion products exit the firebox outside the house.

When constructing a fireplace, you need to make sure that the chimney design is installed correctly. Otherwise, the expected result will be the opposite.

There are several requirements for such structures.

It is also useful to place this additional arsenal. We leave the choice to a qualified professional, who must take into account the weight of the fireplace and its surroundings. The place where the fireplace should be placed can be placed with tiles to increase safety - after a fireplace stroke of about 30 cm, and also when you want to change the fireplace or completely dismantle this place, it will look aesthetically pleasing.

The cartridge or cassette is mounted on special legs or on a reinforced plate. Ceiling structure reinforced according to your needs. The appropriate dimensions of the fireplace body allow the cartridge or cartridge to be installed at a safe distance from the substrate.


Modern designs must meet the following criteria:

  • Durable construction and long service life. The chimney structure for the fireplace must withstand various changes temperature regime, condensation formation. Resist under the influence of aggressive acids, and, most importantly, comply with all fire safety standards and regulations.
  • Aerodynamics. The installed structure must ensure unimpeded flow of combustion products. For example, a round cross-section can quickly and easily remove all flue gases from the firebox. Rectangular structures are not as efficient; in them, combustion products encounter resistance, thereby reducing the exhaust speed.
  • Easy maintenance.
  • Resistant to erosion and corrosion. To achieve this indicator, when installing a chimney for brick fireplaces, it is necessary to select the right materials.

Brick construction

Before starting the construction of chimneys for fireplaces, you need to understand brick construction. It is based on the following elements:

Performing as a convection air intake, suction and intake air for combustion. There must be a source of air from outside that must be able to close this flow to avoid heat loss into the room when the fireplace is not in use. Maintaining sufficient space between the cartridge or cassettes and the housing to allow convection air movement.

Remove all items that are flammable or susceptible to heat damage. Thermal insulation of walls and housing parts should be made of fire-resistant mineral wool with a layer of aluminum foil. Carefully connect the smoke pipe to the 45° nozzle. The newest cartridge model has a smoke pipe inserted inside the device. This combination ensures that condensation from the chimney flows directly into the fireplace. The chimney should be connected to the chimney as short as possible with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the exhaust pipe.

  • Mounted pipe.
  • Fluff.
  • Riser.
  • Otter.
  • Neck.

The shape of the device can be rectangular, round or square. But it should be noted that round shapes more appropriate for use.

For those who find the installation of a chimney for a fireplace very complicated, you can choose more simple options. To simplify the process, you can use ceramic or stainless steel devices.

Hood made of fire-resistant materials. Place the warm air outlet grille at a minimum height of 30 cm from the ceiling. The ceiling around the fireplace is made of fireproof materials. The decompression chamber is located just above the top edge of the air outlet grille. It protects the ceiling from exposure to hot air. Two grids should be installed: the exit is slightly below the ceiling, and the entrance is slightly lower.

Connect the chimney to the chimney so that soot and condensation flow into the fireplace. The conical shape of the seam prevents the accumulation of soot. The chimney starts at least 5 cm below the ceiling. The chimney structure is dense, and cross section suitable for the selected device. It is also necessary to insulate and seal the flue gas flue to prevent cooling of the exhaust gases.


In order to calculate all the parameters, it is now necessary to decide on the material that will be used in the construction process. It is most convenient to carry out the calculation on paper, creating a sketch of the future structure; it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • The diameter of the chimney for a fireplace must have a certain relationship with the firebox. Calculating this value has its own subtleties. For example, when calculating the diameter of a pipe that connects to an open firebox structure, a proportion of 1:10 is used. This method is only valid for a cylindrical type of chimney.
  • The calculation of the cross-section for a square type device contains proportions of 1:15. But the diameter should be smaller than the size of the blower. If the resulting heat transfer is less than 300 cal/hour, the cross-section should not be less than 140 x 140.
  • In order to determine optimal diameter fireplace chimney can be taken as a basis state standards, which specify the permissible cross-section under certain conditions.
  • In addition, the height and diameter are calculated in accordance with the area of ​​the room.

The chimney is insulated and a safe distance from flammable parts is maintained. The chimney has a uniform cross-section along its entire length. The roof at the chimney outlet prevents precipitation from penetrating inside. A poorly installed cartridge can cause serious accidents. The insulation of the device and the chimney must be reinforced and manufactured in accordance with the art of construction, ensuring the safety of the device in accordance with the regulations. Please review the current rules and regulations.

Failure to follow installation instructions will result in liability for everyone performing the installation. The designer's liability is limited to delivery of the device. Ventilation. For normal operation with natural exhaust, make sure that the air in the room where the appliance is installed is suitable for combustion.

It would be a good idea to show your calculation to specialists and analyze it together. In addition, a suitable calculation scheme can be posted on the Internet.

It must be remembered that the calculation of these parameters must be carried out correctly, the efficiency of work depends on this heating device.

Variety of designs

There are many designs of chimneys for fireplaces, which can be divided by location and installation method, or material.

Device placement. We choose a central location of the building to facilitate good distribution of warm convection air around the main room. Warm convection air will be distributed to other rooms through the communication door. These rooms should be under negative pressure or have ventilation grilles to improve the circulation of warm air.

Make sure they are not made of or coated with flammable materials or are sensitive to heat. Otherwise, suitable protection such as a sheet metal plate must be provided. The connecting cable must be manufactured in accordance with applicable requirements. The device should be as close to the chimney as possible. The device will be connected to the chimney using flue pipes that regulate combustion.

Depending on the location and installation method, pipes for fireplaces can be:

  • Built-in. This is a vertical shaft for removing combustion products from the firebox. In addition, devices of this type are considered the most economical.
  • Hanging. The pipe for this type of fireplace is installed in the finished room. It is mainly used for island-type lesions. The chimney pipe is fixed to the supporting structures of the roof and ceilings. To avoid troubles, metal models are chosen as hanging fireplace chimneys. This is due to its fairly light weight compared to other models.
  • Devices based on the hearth. Chimneys of fireplaces of this type are installed on own foundation, since the weight finished product big enough.

The diameter of the pipe should not be less than the diameter of the device. If this is the case, the reduction should be less than one diameter of the nozzle diameter and as far away from the device as possible. The connection can be either vertical to the ceiling duct or horizontal to the floor duct. The connection to the device must be tight.

For mechanically ventilated areas, leakage protection prevents smoke from drying out of the chimney. The connecting cable and draft control must be visible and cleanable. Example correct installation fireplace. Installing the cartridge begins with preparing the hole in the chimney to which the chimney pipe from the fireplace is connected. If the house has a hot air distribution system installed on the top floor, there must also be openings through which the hot air distribution pipes are directed.

In the production of chimneys for fireplaces can be used various materials. Based on this, several varieties can be distinguished:

Brick pipe

This design can be made with your own hands; several types of bricks are used as materials: solid, fired and clay bricks. The construction of brick chimneys for fireplaces is considered quite effective. A brick chimney is more suitable for fires using solid fuel.

The next step is to install the base of the fireplace body and line the walls behind an insulating layer - fire-resistant mineral wool with an aluminum screen. The insulation layer must be firmly attached to the walls and body. Once the cartridge is installed, the next fireplace element will be installed. All stone elements are connected with mortar. In the case where we have a finished structure and a connection at several points, we glue it together with heat-resistant glue with sisal fibers to consolidate the connection.

Then a pipe is installed connecting the insert to the chimney and pipes distributing warm air to other rooms. The next step is to install decorative beams, such as wood or stone. Even before the eaves are installed, these beams are thermally insulated. You can use it in min. with aluminum screen or cellular concrete or super-insulating boards. Stick to it the same way.

The brick chimney must have solid masonry. To prevent the formation of condensation, the brick pipe is finished with a metal liner.

From steel pipes

The chimney for this type of fireplace is made of stainless steel, which has heat-resistant properties. This type of pipe is much lighter than brick version. Steel chimneys for fireplaces are quite durable. They are resistant to corrosion and are used for various models foci. The round cross-section of steel pipes prevents the formation of soot.

Then proceed to install the hood over the fireplace. It should be clearly separated from the rest of the hood as it protects the ceiling from hot air. The frame of the cornices is made of steel profiles to which fire-resistant gypsum boards. All eaves must be insulated mineral wool aluminum foil. The plates cut out decompression grilles and ventilation grilles.

The ventilation grille can be installed on the front wall instead of the side wall. It is important that the required convection air surface is maintained. After covering the front wall cornices, it should be finished properly. You can apply plaster or paint. After installing the fireplace, do not use the fireplace for approximately 2 weeks to allow all connections to dry thoroughly.

But, despite all the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • High price.
  • Low self-supporting capacity.

Such pipes can be produced in several versions:

  • "Sandwich" They are a steel pipe with a round cross-section and a special layer of thermal insulation located inside.
  • "Hot" pipes. Such pipes imply steel structure without thermal insulation layer.

Check before first start. Make sure that flues are not blocked by packaging components or that parts are disassembled. Make sure the exhaust gas seals are in good condition.

  • Make sure the glass is not damaged.
  • Make sure the doors are well closed.
  • Make sure moving parts are in place.
One of the purposes of a chimney is to provide a safe exit from a building in an atmosphere of hot combustion gases. Safe discharge, which ensures residents that the elements surrounding the chimney will not be destroyed due to rising temperatures and will not cause the building a fire hazard.

Chimney insulation

From ceramic pipes

A chimney for fireplaces of this type is quite expensive, but its long service life pays for all costs.

Glass structures.

The advantages of chimneys for fireplaces include the absence of corrosion, low thermal inertia and absolute immunity to moisture.

Wooden floors in buildings are already rare; for many years materials suitable for the implementation of concrete slabs have reigned. Walls wooden frame found in buildings such as Canadian ones, and - both very popular - they are not very common cases. Instances of steel roof beams are virtually unheard of in residential construction. In order to properly build a chimney, you must know that it is a transmission device in its internal fire. Perhaps not literally, at least not during normal operation of a boiler or fireplace by a person who refuses to perform military service for religious or other reasons. One of the purposes of a chimney is to provide a safe exit from a building in an atmosphere of hot combustion gases.

The disadvantages include:

  • High price;
  • Expensive installation.


The properties of fireplace chimneys largely depend on the materials purchased. To do this, you need to know which material you need to give your preference.

The materials used have the following properties:


On this moment, there is a reflection associated with environment chimney. Sometimes it is a wooden post, beam, sometimes the entire wall is made of wood with a large area, but almost always we will be dealing with wood in the roof structure. Sometimes when the pipe is located outside the building, as this example shows a different picture.

How far from the main elements wooden chimney? This is a very serious issue, although many construction workers are violently confronted with the state before the ensuing task of independently addressing this issue. It happens that for errors in the project or minor changes made to the project, the author of the amendment does not even know.

  • High heat capacity.
  • Resistant to temperature changes.
  • Long service life.

Stainless steel.

  • Easy installation and light weight of the finished product.
  • Not affected by acids.
  • Long service life.
  • High heat capacity.

Asbestos cement pipes.

You must admit, however, that even taking care to check that the distance is right time, before installing the chimney, you must be aware of what this distance should be! Nowadays we often encounter multi-layer chimneys, with a thermal insulation layer incorporated into their design, and heating devices become more efficient, resulting in a large share of energy in the heating systems in the building, and little happens to the chimney. Together with these multi-layer chimneys, which are approved for use based on confirmation of compliance with the new standards, we obtain the so-called multi-layer chimneys, Standard Chimney Classification.

  • Limitation on the temperature of the exhaust flue gases. The optimal temperature for such pipes is 300 degrees.


Installation of structures is always considered in individually. This is the most critical stage; to install a chimney for a fireplace with your own hands, you need to calculate its diameter and location.

One of its components is the determination of the minimum distance between the surface of the chimney and the surface of an element made of combustible material. The surface of the chimney is the plane of a concrete block or the surface of a steel shell. This classification is very readable and very noticeable, so unfortunately it is very disappointing that people who build chimney systems on Polish sites are very sick. You must not forget the existence of national legislation above the standards, in which we also find safety records, ensuring that the wooden elements from the chimney are properly spaced.

A suitable place to place a fireplace chimney is near the ridge of the roof. This will make the protruding part of the pipe smaller.

The height must be at least 4 meters. Calculation of maximum values ​​depends on your building.

Calculation of the diameter of the pipe will also be required to ensure that the structure passes all the floors without difficulty.

Particular attention is always paid to the installation of equipment in wooden buildings. Such buildings are most susceptible to fires. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to use a transition pipe, which will not only protect against fires, but will also provide high-quality insulation between the roof and the fireplace chimney.

In order to make a hole in the roof, you must remember that its size should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe.

In addition, you need to pay attention to possible joints. They can not only reduce the efficiency of the heating device, but also worsen safety parameters. In addition, the service life will be noticeably reduced.

The most difficult part of the installation is considered to be where it passes through the roof. The main parameters that you need to pay attention to are quality and safety.

Every design has a core set of requirements that need to be addressed.

For example, for a brick building, the work plan looks like this:

  • Foundation.
  • Solution.
  • Masonry.
  • Mopping.
  • Header.
  • Dymnik.

For a ceramic device, the work flow is as follows:

  • foundation,
  • Fastening modular elements.

The construction and installation of chimneys for fireplaces is carried out taking into account the expansion of the material under the influence of heat. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the tightness of the equipment during operation.

A properly equipped chimney will last a long time.


After installing the chimney, you can decorate it. As finishing material you can use a decoration made of hollow brick, or a pre-prepared frame, lined with any roofing material. Decorative heat-resistant plaster or flexible acrylic tiles look good.

Video: Chimney - stainless steel pipe

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Our task will be to provide useful information O possible options pipes, their advantages and disadvantages, which may make this choice easier.

Chimneys for brick fireplaces

Most often, in cottages, when installing pipes for fireplaces or boiler rooms, they use chimneys combined into a single block with ventilation risers. Red ceramic solid bricks are used to make them.

Features of the installation of brick pipes

The brick fireplace pipe, like the ventilation unit, must rest on the foundation. It can serve as bearing wall or foundation slab.

When constructing such a structure, certain rules should be followed:

  • lime-sand mortar is used for masonry;
  • when inserting a chimney structure into a wall made of any material, it is anchored, adhering to a step of 30 cm (in a checkerboard pattern), inserting anchors into the walls by 20 cm and using reinforcement with a cross-section of 1 cm;
  • to increase stability, the masonry of chimneys and ventilation risers is reinforced every three rows (cell 150x150), using reinforcement with a cross-section of 6 mm A1.

Disadvantages of brick chimneys and methods of dealing with them

Speaking about the disadvantages of this type of chimney, it should be noted their relatively short service life - from 7 to 10 years. Large temperature differences in winter period lead to the formation of condensation on them. Freezing and thawing, it eventually leads to the destruction of the brickwork.

You can reduce this negative impact by using one of the suggested techniques:

  • increasing the cross-section of the outer walls of the chimney to 25 cm in areas where they protrude above the roof;
  • insulating these parts of the chimney with a mineral slab.

Pipes for fireplaces will last longer if they are protected from the effects of precipitation using various types caps.

Significant disadvantages of this type of chimney include the presence of roughness on the inner surface, which significantly reduces the draft efficiency, in contrast to smooth chimneys.

To avoid this drawback, when designing a building, a chimney should be provided that provides a certain cross-sectional reserve.

Increase service life brick chimney possible by using galvanized steel pipes, installing them inside it.

Fire safety requirements for chimneys

When carrying out work on chimney installations, do not forget about fire safety requirements:

  • distance from wooden roof elements to internal surfaces chimney must exceed 25 cm;
  • wooden elements must be insulated with felt soaked in a clay solution or with two layers of asbestos cardboard.

Fireplace chimneys made of stainless galvanized steel

Such fireplace chimneys are assembled elements made of stainless steel, the thermal insulation of which is provided by non-combustible materials.

Similar ones are produced in various lengths and diameters, often complete with ceramic ones, which are located inside steel ones.

Steel chimneys have a number of advantages:

  • they can be used without a foundation, as they are light in weight;
  • their installation can be carried out upon completion construction work;
  • they are cheaper than ceramic and block chimneys;
  • In them, if necessary, individual structural elements can be easily replaced.

The disadvantage of steel chimneys is that their use requires additional design solutions in the interior design of the room.

Ceramic block chimneys

Design features

As a basis for ventilation ducts they use lightweight concrete blocks. Manufacturers offer them today big choice, allowing you to choose the desired size and height.

Vertical reinforcement is used to connect the blocks. A ceramic pipe and thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials are placed inside them. Depending on the manufacturer, during installation one or another technology may be used, tied specifically to the sample being produced. Application general rules would be unjustified.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic fireplace chimneys

Their advantages include:

  • possibility of quick installation and assembly;
  • security high efficiency;
  • long service life;
  • the presence of a wide variety of blocks to create the desired configuration of chimney openings;
  • the ability to clean the chimney due to the presence of an appropriate hole;
  • the presence of a hole in the bottom of the chimney that allows condensate to drain.

The disadvantages of such systems include:

  • relatively high cost;
  • long delivery times (since this type of chimney for the most part imported production).

Even taking into account the shortcomings, ceramic fireplace pipes, in terms of their performance, are undeniable leaders among other types considered.

How to choose a chimney pipe

How to choose the cross-section of a chimney pipe

The choice of chimney cross-section depends on the size and type of boiler or fireplace. It is carried out adhering to the parameters: 140x140, 140x270, 270x270 (values ​​that are multiples of the dimensions of the brickwork). Moreover, its diameter cannot be less than the boiler outlet diameter. The dimensions of the boiler outlet opening are determined by its type and power.

An exhaust vent is also planned in the immediate vicinity of the chimney. In accordance with SNIP, boiler rooms require an exhaust hood that provides 3 air changes per hour. For living rooms equipped with fireplaces, a hood providing 2-fold air exchange will be sufficient.

A rational decision would be one in which chimney will be surrounded by ventilation ducts. In this case, the size of, for example, a brick riser increases, and accordingly, the time of heat transfer from the brick to the room will also increase, and on all floors.

Other selection criteria

When choosing a fireplace or stove pipe, the type of fuel used is taken into account: liquid or gaseous requires a pipe wall thickness of 0.6 mm. When using firewood or coal, they must have walls 1 mm thick.

If the chimney is installed inside a brick shaft, then single-wall elements are used. If it is located separately in the house or outside, it is imperative to use insulating materials that will ensure the proper level of fire safety.

When choosing insulation thickness, consider the following:

  • properties of the fuel used;
  • properties of the material (combustible/non-flammable) located in the immediate vicinity of the chimney.

When using coal in wooden house required chimneys with insulation from 50 to 100 mm.

If gas is used as fuel in the fireplace or diesel fuel, then the insulation of gas ducts can be 25 mm thick. In this case, it does not depend on whether there are flammable materials nearby.

To remove ash, a hole must be provided at the base of the smoke duct, closed hermetically with a door.

When purchasing elements for ceramic or steel chimneys, carefully check the permissible temperature limits.

If the fireplace is intended to be used solid fuel(firewood, coal), then pipes designed for permissible temperature combustion of products up to 250°C, their purpose is gas or oil stoves.

It is also necessary to check whether the chimney has the required permits, whether it can be used in stoves operating on solid fuels, and what is its resistance to ash combustion at temperatures close to 1000°C.

When arranging pipes for a fireplace, remember that it should look like a vertical, homogeneous structure. Focus on the working height of the chimney 4 - 7 m and the optimal draft of 10 - 20 Pa. The rules for operating fireplaces require regular cleaning of chimneys and inspection by chimney sweeps 4 times throughout the year.

At the same time, compliance with safety measures when installing and using the device should be paramount.

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